Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Imperial Poverty - Part 1 - Coruscant Days

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A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away . . . .

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   My name is irrelevant because I am irrelevant. I was raised in the dirty, violent, Poverty stricken under-levels of the city-wide planet of Imperial Center, formally known as Coruscant.

   Since a very young age, I longed to escape this hell pit and live on the surface, where there's happiness and opportunities to be had, and you can actually see the sun!

   I often wonder how such grotesque Poverty could exist in a galaxy so advanced in just about every way, especially in a place which happens to be the most diverse, technologically advanced, and cultured planet in the known galaxy.

   I guess it's a matter too complicated for me to grasp.

   I'm on my own in this land of thieves and the underprivileged. My mother died of some kind of mouth infection when I was 15 standard years old. I never knew my father. I'm now 18 standard years old and already, I can see and feel the effects of living in Poverty ravaging all aspects of my being.

   My situation is hopeless. . .

   When I heard the news that the Jedi had attempted to take over the government, but had ultimately failed, and now a new Galactic Empire had been established, I thought nothing of it because it was doubtful there would be any change.

   How foolish I was. . .

(Mute Music)

   The day my life changed forever was like any other day.

   I set out on my daily routine of simply trying to survive when something unusually strange caught my eye. . . A group of grey uniformed men were putting up what looked to be propaganda posters.

   A large crowd of onlookers had started to form around them, uttering words of disdain or applause.

   Out of curiosity, I pushed through the crowed and asked one of the uniformed men what exactly they were up to.

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   "Want to join the Imperial army son? And get out of this wretched hive?" the cocky Imperial officer inquired. 

   I never imagined myself as a soldier. I didn't think I was cut out for such a profession. I was weak; lack of nutrition, proper hygiene, adequate sleep, as well as a plethora of other struggles and disadvantages had taken there tolls, but I did have one advantage, I was young. My existence would surely be short lived if I didn't make drastic changes, so out of desperation for a new and better life I said, "yes."

(Mute Music)

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