Monday, November 16, 2015

Imperial Poverty - Part 2 - The Academy

   My time at the academy was a blur.  

   It just so happened that that the majority of my fellow cadets came from the wealthier regions of their respective planets. Many of their fathers were military men, so it made sense that their sons would follow suit. 

   I was always singled out for various traits that identified me as being part of the lower class. For example, my use of "poor person identifying" slang words that would always slip out at the wrong time was a dead give-away. My yellowed and cavity ridden teeth didn't help much either. The galactic sludge they called "food" in the under-levels really took its toll. . .

   Not every cadet was my enemy though. I befriended Majim.


   He came from a wealthy family on the planet of Sorenno, but he displayed no arrogance or disdain towards me. We became best friends and he would defend me whenever the rest of the lot saw fit to ridicule me for whatever reason they saw to exploit that particular day.

 In my time at the academy, I learned a lot and discovered I had a knack for all things combat related, as well as a talent for strategy. Perhaps because I had to fight and watch my back everyday just to survive back. . . "home."

   I was 2 years into my academy training when Majim and I were called upon by our combat instructor.

   "Cadets Lain Galek and Majim Woorz, front and center immediately." the combat instructor said in a neutral tone.

   As my friend and I walked in front of the other cadets, I heard the typical sly, stupid remarks being uttered.

   "Looks like the dirty bottom dweller is in trouble. . . again!" 

   "He's probably getting discharged because he can't wash off the smell of the slime pit he hatched from. It's about damn time!"

   And the classic, "I don't know why Majim even talks to him, he's nothing but bottom feeder scum."

   I of course ignored such immature comments.

   "Cadet Galek and Cadet Woorz, on behalf of the Emperor and myself, I would like to formally congratulate the both of you."

   "Thank you sir, but may I inquire why?" Majim asked.

   "You both are to graduate early. This afternoon in fact! Your skills are far more advanced than any of us have anticipated. You are to be deployed to the Wookie home world of Kashyyyk within the week. Your respective talents will be useful to that campaign. Congratulations, Corporal Woorz and Corporal Galek!"

   Corporal? I've already been promoted to corporal?!"

   Its was very difficult to hold back my excitement, but I could still get away with a smile behind my helmet.

   "You will be instructed by Captain Ligann when you arrive on Kashyyyk. Now go prepare for your ceremony."

   "Yes sir!" we both said enthusiastically.

 "Let these fine young men serve as an inspiration to you all. Even a poor boy from Imperial Center, level 1142, can become something great! Dismissed."

   Later that day. . .

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   "Before you leave for Kashyyyk, you must undergo a full health evaluation. Also, you will need some new teeth, judging by the sorry state yours are in. Any respectable corporal of the Imperial Army needs to look presentable, in all aspects of his person." the combat instructor explained.

   "But my teeth just need a little cleaning is all, not some kind of veneers." I countered.

   "It would seem that way, but our initial medical scans when you first entered into the academy revealed that you might be carrying the same infection as the one that killed your mother, we can take nothing to chance."

   "Understood, sir."

   How he knew what my mother died from was beyond me. Nothing escapes the Empire I suppose.

   When we finally departed for Kashyyyk I could feel my spirits rising. I was finally going to make a name for myself and bring glory to a just cause!

(Mute Music)

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